D-Fence Builders serves Simi Valley, CA

D-Fence Builders has the expertise and credibility on how to design and build fences for Simi Valley, CA residents and businesses.

D-Fence Builders is licensed (#859476), bonded, insured, and has the highest ranking as the best fencing company in Simi Valley, CA.

If you are looking for the latest in fence design in Simi Valley, CA. D-Fence Builders will serve your modern and classic fencing designs today

Simi Valley, CA: Fill out the form below or call (805) 367-5604 to receive a free estimate to build or repair a fence (or gate) from the D-Fence Builders in Simi Valley, CA.

Be sure to enter a valid email address when you complete the form below.

D-Fence Builders respects your right to privacy, and will never sell, rent or share your personal information.


Free Estimate Form

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Simi Valley, CA Community Links

Simi Valley, CA Chamber of Commerce
600 Hampshire Rd. # 200
Westlake Village, CA  91361
(805) 370-0035

Simi Valley, CA Police Department
2101 East Olsen Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
(805) 449-2100

Simi Valley, CA Fire Department
165 Durley Ave.
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 389-9710

Simi Valley Home Prices & Values
